"It’s" + Adjective + Infinitive

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"It’s" + Adjective + Infinitive

2024-01-23 11:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Grammar-Quizzes › Verb Phrases › Verb Complements › Infinitives › "It is"  Adj / Noun + Infinitive

"It is"  Adj + Infinitive Express opinion or advice new students  


It (be) Adj + Infinitve Clause  vs. Gerund Clause (be) Adj INFINITIVE CLAUSE

The expression "It is + adj/noun to" emphasizes information by bringing it to the front of the clause. The subject of an infinitive clause is optionally expressed as [for + noun] or the accusative pronoun [for + pronoun].  


It's difficult

for me

to guess what will happen.

It's hard


to know when a rat will get loose.

It's impossible

for us

to do  this project in 24 hours

It's important


to take a break twice a day.

It's possible

for you

to work on your own project.

It's exciting 

for us

to be  here.

It's likely

for it

to get cold in the laboratory.


It's a good idea (noun)


to put on your lab coat.

It's a pleasure (noun)

for us

to have you here.

It's an honor (noun)

for us

to work in this lab.


A similar meaning is expressed with a gerund clause followed by [be] + adj / noun. ¹ However, the clause cannot be restated with a gerund clause when "it" refers to climate or weather.                                   


Guessing what will happen.

is difficult.

Knowing when a rat will get loose.

is hard.

Doing this project in 24 hours

is impossible.

Taking a break twice a day.

is important

Working on your own project.

is possible.

Being here

is exciting

¹ Getting cold in the laboratory.  

is likely.


Putting on your lab coat

is a good idea.   

Having you here

is a pleasure.

Working in this lab

is an honor.  


Past tense "It was + adj…"

¹ The clause cannot be restated with a gerund clause when "it" refers to climate or weather.

Also see It as Subject , It Clefts  and It /There Pronouns 

Word Categories: N – Noun; V – Verb; Aux – Auxiliary; Adj – Adjective; Adv – Adverb; P –Preposition; Det –Determiner.

Phrasal Categories: NP – Noun Phrase; VP – Verb Phrase; AdjP – Adjective Phrase; AdvP – Adverb Phrase; PP – Prepositional Phrase; DP – Determinative Phrase.

Clausal Categories: Cls – clause; F – finite clause; NF – nonfinite clause (Ger – gerund; Inf – infinitive; PPart – past participle).

Word Functions: Subj – subject; Pred – predicate/predicator; Comp – complement: elements required by an expression to complete its meaning (DO – direct object; IO – indirect object);  Adjunct – adjunct: elements not required by an expression to complete its meaning (Subord – subordinator; Coord – coordinator); Supl – supplement: a clause or phrase added onto a clause that is not closely related to the central thought or structure of the main clause.


Related pages:

There in Subject Position — Milk is on the table. → There is milk on the table.

It as Subject Placeholder  — That he is very funny is obvious. → It is obvious that he is very funny.

"It is" + Adj + Infin — Finding the answers is hard. → It is hard to find the answers.

"It seems" / "It occurs" / "It is likely" —  It seems odd to me that he didn't say anything.

"It takes" + Infinitive — To get ready takes ten minutes. → It takes ten minutes to get ready.

"Identifying 'be'" — Rain is there. There is rain; Reciprocal Property (A + B = B + A)

 It / This Reference —  Gizmo developed a new app.  It is amazing.  Gizmo managed to develop a new app.  This is amazing.

 It Clefts  (extraposition) — What he said was amazing. It was amazing what he said.






It is [adjective] that… / for you to… Restating a that-clauses as an infinitive clause



It is adjective that…  / It is adjective for you to… IT (ADJ) THAT + SUBJUNCTIVE VERB CLAUSE

It's + adj can be followed by that + a clause with should or a subjunctive verb to express a wish, recommendation or suggestion. The subject is mentioned in the clause.               


It is important


you be careful at all times. 

It is a good idea (noun!)


Jack close all cages at night. 

It is essential


it go well. 

It's not necessary


they work until 3 a.m.

It is rare


we wear lab coats.


A similar meaning is expressed with It's + adj followed by an infinitive clause.  The subject (doer of the activity) in the infinitive clause can be included [for+ noun / pronoun].


It is important

for you

to be careful at all times.

It is a good idea

for Jack

to close all cages at night.

It is essential

for it

to go well.

It's not necessary

for them 

work until 3 a.m.

It is rare

for us

to wear lab coats.  


Solution - lightbulbInfinitive Clause | Imperative Clauses (subjunctive) |  "Order" + Obj + Infin







It [adjective] that… (list) Commenting on observations and facts



It… that Pattern List


a fact




a well-known fact



too bad

a little-known fact





a blessing

a shame

a pity







It [adjective] for you to… (list) Commenting on observations and facts












a good idea  (noun)

good manners  (noun!)




likely  (climate, temperature)



not easy

not so hard











Common Mistakes Errors and Solutions



Error and Solution ERROR

*It's kind for you to do that.  (not used)

*It's likely for you to come with us.

*It's important that they fixed it then because it was a big problem for them.


It's kind of you to do that.  The expression focuses on the speaker's opinion of person (you) not the speaker's opinion on how the activity positively or negatively affects the person (you).

It is likely that you will come with us.

It's likely to rain today.  Mostly used with weather, climate, temperature. See It /There Pronouns 

It was important that they fixed it then because it was a big problem for them. Adjust the time frame to the rest of the clause even though the person is stating opinion in the present.


*Yellow highlighted words are examples of incorrect usage.

Solution - lightbulb Pop-Q "Kind"





Practice Make the Effort to Speak the Language! phrase book  


Complete the expression. Select the response from the list that best completes the sentence.  Compare your response to the feedback by clicking the "Check" or the "Check 1-10" button.







Practice 2 Reviews of a New Product tablet  


Read for Errors

What do you think of this new tablet? 

It's surprising see that it is so light and clear.

It's hard for me understanding how it works.

It is exciting to see such an interesting design.

It's logical for everyone to use.

It's unfortunate it shows finger prints.

It amusing look right through it as you work.

It's hard to figuring out where the battery is.

It's no necessary to recharge the external battery every night because it lasts a long time.

It's important that they selected strong glass.

It is likely to appeal to a lot of people. I think it will be a "hot" item.

appeal (V) – to be especially attractive, pleasing, interesting, or enjoyable

external (Adj) – outside not inside of something

figure out (verb phrase) – guess, imagine, understand

finger prints (n) – (dirty) marks left after touching it

a hot item (expression) – something that is popular and in demand

right (adv.) – directly



Correct or Incorrect? Select a response correct or incorrect. Compare your response to the feedback by clicking the "Check" or the "Check 11-20" button.








Practice 2 Suggestions for Visiting a City handpainted cermics city street - Heraklion  



Going to a new city is exciting, and taking a tour is especially convenient for travelers. A tour will help you see a number of attractions in a relatively short time and will include professional guides who are trained to provide interesting historical details and stories for whatever site you are visiting.

Going through a museum is a good idea. Your guide will give you background information so that you will be able to appreciate and enjoy what you are seeing. Tipping your guide is an expected courtesy.

Travelers often worry about finding a safe, clean place to stay. However, finding a good place to stay is not so hard. If you buy a guidebook such as Frommer's or Michelein, you will find good advice. You will also find recommendations for restaurants. Tasting new food is a pleasure.

One thing that travelers often forget is comfort. Be sure to balance comfort with fashion. Taking an extra pair of shoes with you is smart.

You will enjoy walking through the street markets. Bargaining for a good price is fun. You'll find lots of things you will want. Buying small items is important because fitting extra things into your baggage is often difficult.   If you buy a few small things, you will have gifts for friends and some souvenirs of your trip. Having a memorable vacation is essential.  Your memories will help get you through the long year ahead until your next chance to take a vacation comes.

background information – general and specific details to improve understanding

courtesy (N) – good manners or social conduct; polite behavior.

especially (adv.) – very, particularly

traveler (US-Eng) / traveler (Br-Eng) – a person who travels, goes to distant places




Change the focus from the activity to the speaker's opinion or advice about the activity.  Use "It (be)" in your response. Edit the sentence(s) in the text box. Compare your response to the feedback by clicking the "Check" or the "Check 21-30" button.







Grammar-Quizzes › Verb Phrases › Verb Complements › Infinitives › "It is"  Adj / Noun + Infinitive




Julie Sevastopoulos (contact) — ESL / ELL / TEFL — English Grammar Reference / Resource – Practices & Exercises – Palo Alto, California USA —

Creative Commons License Grammar Quizzes by Julie Sevastopoulos is licensed for use under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International.















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